Metal dog collars MC

Metal Chain Collars ForDogTrainers is glad to present you :

  • We use such materials for production as stainless steel, chrome-plated steel, brass and curogan
  • Various collar models can be used for the following tasks: walking, dog training, dog behavior control, dog show, fur protection, etc.
  • If you want to get an ordered collar faster - use Express EMS delivery. In case some product is not suitable for your pet, please do not panic because you can exchange it by writing to
  • When you decide to come back, being super satisfied with out products, we will make you a personalized offer. Besides, you can follow our offers and sales on Facebook.
Visiting this category not for the first time? Order the second leather collar with 10% discount using the code 2201!
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Training collar of Curogan Pet Store Online 2023

Training collar of Curogan Pet Store Online 2023

Training collar of Curogan, Chain collar for dog training Training collar of Curogan! Your dog is mobile, active and and sometimes even aggressive or disobedient? We...


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Choke Collar for Dog Training | Dog Collar for Breeding

Choke Collar for Dog Training | Dog Collar for Breeding

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Luxury Fur Saver Dog Collar Chrome-plated Steel

Luxury Fur Saver Dog Collar Chrome-plated Steel

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New Collar for Dog Show | Show Chain Collar Best Choice

New Collar for Dog Show | Show Chain Collar Best Choice

NEW Collar for Dog Show, Original Design Show Chain Collar for Your Dog Click on the image to enlarge Chain Collar for Dog Shows The main advantages of this...


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Chain Collar in Brass Dog Shop Switzerland 2023

Chain Collar in Brass Dog Shop Switzerland 2023

Chain collar in brass, Choke Collar for Large Dogs Chain collar in brass! Choke collar for four-legged friends is specially designed for long-haired dogs. Design and...


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Chain Collar of Brass by Fordogtrainers

Chain Collar of Brass by Fordogtrainers

Dog necklace made of brass Click on the image to enlarge Fur saver collar brass for long-haired dogs Main advantages of this dog collar made of brass: shiny...


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Choke Collar Chrome-Plated for beautiful hair

Choke Collar Chrome-Plated for beautiful hair

Choke collar chrome plated for dog training Click on the image to enlarge Fur Saver Collar chrome plated for beautiful dog's hair Main advantages of this dog...


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Choke collar chromed steel Fordogtrainers

Choke collar chromed steel Fordogtrainers

Dog necklace of Chromed Steel Click on the image to enlarge Fur Saver Collar for Long-haired dogs Main advantages of this dog collar made of chromed steel: 4...


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Collar stainless steel with large links Fordogtrainers

Collar stainless steel with large links Fordogtrainers

Dog collar made of stainless steel Click on the image to enlarge Fur Saver Collar stainless steel for long-haired dogs Main advantages of this dog collar made...


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Fordogtrainers collar stainless steel durability

Fordogtrainers collar stainless steel durability

Choke collar stainless steel for dog training Click on the image to enlarge Fur Saver Collar stainless steel for beautiful hair Main advantages of this dog...


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Martingale dog collar made of brass and genuine leather

Martingale dog collar made of brass and genuine leather

Collar for good dog behavior brass and leather Click on the image to enlarge Dog collar chain brass Advantages of brass chain collar Fordogtrainers: convenient...


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Here is the feedback from our Customers :

5 sur 5 Etoiles

1. Hello, we've received all the products. We liked each of them, especially my "pup". Thanks for a great solution.
From: Giuseppe, Messina, Italy

5 sur 5 Etoiles

2. Hi, I'd like to announce that the collar arrived on 05.06.2019. We love it, the dog wears it gladly. I join the photo by your request, though you can't see the collar here. Success in work!
From: Nadja, Verona, Italy

5 sur 5

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