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Dog Collar with Blue Stones Super
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Leather Dog Collar with Blue Stones
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Decorated Leather Collar for Dogs
Stylish leather collar has such
- Extra Strong
- width
- handmade
- Manually set circles with blue stones
- plated round rings
- Super genuine leather
The usage of classic wide collar:
- Training of dogs off leash
- walking every day
- education of large and active dogs
Wide Leather Dog Collar with Blue
Stones has the sizes:
Decorated Collar of oiled leather
is available in follow colors:
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Best Dog Collar with Round Metal
Here you should see how this
classic collar with stylish design sits at the dogs!
Fotos von den Kunden
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Decorated Leather Dog Collar on
German Shepherd
Feedback from our customers
1. Good day, today morning I have received the package with
the order. I am very pleased with the seriousness and
assistance services. The dog collar is of superb quality! The
size is perfect. Thank you for everything. Best regards,
Von: Boris, Italia